Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hiri Moale Festival

The Hiri Queen Contest is held annually every September 16. All traditional Motuan villages in NCD and Central province take part in this cultural festival.

The Hiri queen of 2009.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tradional sings sing

Papua New Guinea has a lot of traditional customs that are unique in itself. The photograph below displays few of those traditional costumes and facial appearances.

Mekio women in traditional attire Papua New Guinea

Siasi singsing group of Morobe

Flag bearers representing all provinces of Papua New Guinea

Tolai group from the East New Britain Province

Mendi singsing group from the Southern Highlands Province.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Glance PNG

Papua New Guinea is widely dispersed over 462,840 square kilometres of land area with very difficult terrain, the population is young and has a high proportion of unemployed. Papua New Guinea is prone to natural disasters, and in the last decade alone has experienced multiple incidences of earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, droughts and killer frost that have resulted in a loss of lives; displacement of families; destruction of crops, property and livelihoods ; and disruption to social services, such as health and education.

Sir John Guise Stadium during Presentation of Governments 2050 Medium term Plan.

Hohola Under-tunnel

Monday, March 8, 2010


I created this blog inorder to showcase PNG to a wide audience. Let us show our magnificent waterfalls, mountains and unique plants and animals. Let us boast our natural resources and show the world that we speak 800 different languages and share common borders with multiples tribes. And yet we come together in unity as one nation, one people and one sea.

This is all about photographs by our own Papua New Guinea Photographers. You will be amazed by the style and quality of some of the photographs. It is all about Papua New Guinea happenings.

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